Adult Classes

If you would like to book online for adult classes, please ensure that you register first of all by clicking the Register link below. Even if you have already registered, you can click on the Login link below to log-in.

NOTE: Please ensure that you tick the email and text boxes (6 places) if you want to be kept up to date with bookings, cancellations and updates.

Children’s Classes

Although bookings cannot be made online for children, we will still require you to register on the booking system. You will need to input your details (Parent/Guardian) and then add your child as a family member.

We like to ensure that children are put in the correct class depending on their abilities and not necessarily their age. So if you would like to book, please give us a call or email us at [email protected] . Please do remember to register first to ensure the process is smooth.

NOTE: Please ensure that you tick the email and text boxes (6 places) if you want to be kept up to date with bookings, cancellations and updates.

If you would like to find out how we store, use and protect your data, please see our Privacy Policy by clicking here.

We look forward to seeing you at one of our studios soon!

Dance with Confidence! Contact us today!